Your goal is to be the last player standing and control the most territory!
Game Rules
- Each turn, you receive 2 action points (AP)
- Use action points to move, place walls, or shoot erasers
- When your turn ends, the next player begins
Move (1 AP per square)
- Click the "Move" button or press 'M'
- White circles show available moves with cost
- Moving onto another player eliminates them
Wall (2 AP)
- Click the "Wall" button or press 'W'
- Click any empty square to place a wall
- Walls block movement and eraser shots
Eraser (8 AP)
- Click the "Eraser" button or press 'E'
- Click in a direction to shoot
- Eliminates players in its path
Turn Timer
You have 20 seconds to complete your turn, or it will end automatically.
End Game
The game ends when only one player remains or after 100 total turns.
For more details, check the full game instructions link in the sidebar.